Each BrOC edition brings something new. We strive to fill all of you who make this competition really special, who are looking forward to it and are returnig year after year to the wonderfull town of Postira with joy.
So for the sixth BrOC we once again expanded the Postira map to include the Sardina factory. It is a leading Croatian company in fishing and fish-processing with more than a hundred years of tradition. One of many things our competition’s hometown is known for around the world.
That is why, after a sheep and a viver, BrOC 2023’s logo has a school of sardines on it (pilchards)! And a multicoloured shool of sardines (remeniscent of all the colurs of different O-shirts) has also swam in Postira on our neck gaiter. You know that after orinteering on land we are certainly bound to join them in the crystal blue sea!
Those of you who prefer orienteering on Gažul won’t be disappointed either. There is a new terrain waiting for us there too!