From the first moments of 2024 entries for the 7th BrOC will be opened on orienteering online!
As usual, we are eager to find out who will be among the first on the list since we have already made some bets. Will it be someone from a far away country or a Croatian; a competition debutant or a regular; younger, older or in the middle? And which club will Dale register as?
Entries will be open 'till September 26th so don't worry if you need some time to make arrangements with your friends and family and to plan your trip to the picturesque island of Brač and exciting O races from the 4th to the 6th of October. Bear in mind though that that you'll save 5 euro if pay the fee by August the 31st.
So what can you expect?
The 2024 Brač Orienteering Championship will consist of 3 races across 3 days: The Friday afternoon sprint in the ethno village Dol will be a Darko Sakar Memorial with special prizes only for winners in each of the 24 categories.
The long on Saturday (a WRE race) and the middle on Sunday mornings will be on demanding Gažul terrains.
The results of all three races will be added together to determine BrOC champions eligible for coveted stone medals.
We are hoping to add a few more little orienteering surprises as well, so follow us for updates and news.
Besides good orienteering, as many of you have already found out, the BrOC experience is one of socialising in a cosy atmosphere, discovering the island's secrets and enjoying fantastic nature and local culture.
Our logo is now visited by the Mediterranean house gecko, locally known as the tarantela. This small, fast, useful lizard that is protected in Croatia always has a smile on its face beneath peering lidless eyes and is known for living only with the good people. Its ability to cling well to stone surfaces and jump would certainly be a useful skill for orienteers on Brač.
Happy New Year everyone!
See you on Brač in a little more than nine months!