At the very entrance, traditional stone houses will leave you breathless as well as a number of caves made of grained rocks of hrapoćuša, once used as lodgings and today being shelters for cattle, containers for firewood, habitat for pigeons, owls and viver *.
*Viver a mythical creature that, according to the Dol inhabitants' stories, hides in local caves. It ~ the creature that can be ''found'' only in Dol and if you are lucky you can even hear its hooting.
HISTORY - It was mentioned for the first time in documents in 1345, but a number of valuable archaeological monuments prove its earlier existence. The small church of St. Michael dates back to the beginning of 10th century as well as the church of St. Barbara. The small church of St. Peter from 11th century preserves the oldest bell on the island of Brač -from 14th century, whilst the small church of St. Vitus dates back to 13th century. You can reach all of them through arranged walking trails.
The Parish church of the PurifICation of the Holy Virgin Mary was built in the period from 1862 until 1887 and preserves several valuable crosses, within which the largest one is "Dol's Jesus Christ" presenting Jesus' body in his natural size. Very valuable are also original populur songs that can be heard even today when performed by ecclesiastical populur singers that certainly contribute to the preservation of this intangible cultural heritage.
Visit Postira and Dol and enjoy the true beauties of a small Dalmatian village!