
We were not active on our web lately, but we did a lot of field work. New maps were made, courses almost finished. We'll have some more news for you soon.


Last weekend we were on Brač checking new areas for mapping. We were once again thrilled by special beauty of nature but also of man-made environment this Adriatic island treasures. Here are some vistas from terrains that are waiting for you in October. But these few pictures cannot make full justice to it, so you better come and experience it live. Our fine mappers will soon start their fieldwork to make orienteering here equally enjoyable.



Check out our new flyer.


Entries for 5th BrOC are now available on www.orienteeringonline.net

Note that the competition starts a bit earlier than previous years (from Friday, September 30th to Sunday, October 2nd ). This means that the days will be longer, sea and air more agreeable for all activities. So enter your name now and start planning your trip to Brač. Be an “early viver “: pay before August 31st to get cheapest prices. Secure your start on diverse and demanding venues in this popular and fun races. We are expecting you!

Follow our web and fb pages for more information (including some about the mysterious viver creatures of Dol).


Dates for BrOC 2022 are set!

We are planning again four races in three days: from September 30th to October 2nd.

We will start on Friday with a middle distance in magical forest on Gažul. Then, on Saturday morning, on a new map it will be time for a long distance. Saturday evening we will meet in our competition hometown Postira for a night sprint. Sunday morning is reserved for last race, another sprint this time on a new map in ethno-eco village Dol. It will be opportunity to find not only controls but also a mythical creature viver in caves carved from hrapočuša stone.

We expect of this fifth Brač Orienteering Championship to provide great orienteering experiences and as we are accustomed even greater atmosphere. We are, as always, looking forward to seeing our old and meeting some new friends. We are hoping that you will be able to come and enjoy your favourite sport on this beautiful Adriatic island. See you!


We kindly ask foreign competitors to send us an EU covid pass in advance. This way we can save some time on Saturday morning. Please use the club email: ok.maksimir@gmail.com.Thank you.


GAŽUL - LUNCH OFFER - Long Distance - Saturday
The small shepherd's village Gažul has limited possibilities in restoration services so we ask you to reserve your lunch in advance. Sure you will be hungry after the long distance race!
They offer:Traditional 'peka' (https://croatia.hr/.../gastronomy-and.../peka-baking-lid), that is special roasted veal, lamb, chicken, vegetables, 100 kn per person.
- Homemade prosciutto and Brač cheese, 80 kn portion for two persons.
Reservations by Wednesday 29th of September to: mirjana.horvath@gmail.com
Seosko domaćinstvo "Gažul" Facebook


Another Croatian Championship starts in Selca on Sunday morning. On this occasion it is time for sprint! After rough ground of long distance forest, pawed surfaces of tangled streets will be quite a change. We will see who will excel in finding controls beneath 45 m high steeple of «Brač Cathedral». But afterwards, finding monuments will be easy, since Selca are famous for their abundance. But once again be quick because afternoon is reserved for another sprint in nearby Sumartin. And after that? Most likely bathing in the sea!

You can see more pictures on fb ...